World War 1

In the meadow we have sown a large area of seeds with native annuals in our national colours of Red, White and Blue as a mark of respect for the centenary of the start of WW1. We have put a seat nearby to enable us to sit and reflect on the influences this has had on our families over the years.


We have again been awarded a David Bellamy Gold Award for Conservation. We are the only residential park to have gained the award for 14 consecutive years. Residents comments, cards and pictures played an important role in gaining our award and it is through the consistent efforts of everyone on the park that we earn the award. Extract From David Bellamy Letter “I am writing to congratulate you and your team on your fantastic gold award. You should be very proud of the work you have done to help Britain’s wildlife – which, as you know, needs all the help it can get at the moment. Having read through your assessment, I’d just like to say that I am particularly impressed by the effectiveness of your butterfly garden and by the fact that your owners’ gardens are well looked after and attract a lot of wildlife. Give them all a cheer from me.”  

Age UK coffee morning

We organised a special briefing with Age UK Kesteven for the Residents of the park on the support services which are available to them in south Lincolnshire. The well attended briefing was delivered by support experts Teresa Stevens and Nicky McNulty, they outlined ways in which the charity assists older folk including services such as help in the home, advice on staying fit and healthy, meeting new friends.